Our goal is to make this the most comprehensive list of indie and art house theaters on the web. Please forward theater URL's to: rob@indiefilmpage.com |
Links must reflect our site name indiefilmpage.com, no other variable such as Indie Film Page or indiefilmpage. Cut n' Paste this HTML for an animated banner: <p><a href="http://www.indiefilmpage.com"><img height="60" width="468" src="http://www.indiefilmpage.com/media/indiefilm.gif" border="0"></a></p> Or use this HTML for a standard text link: <a href="http://www.indiefilmpage.com">indiefilmpage.com</a><br>Everything you want to know about indie films...and the people who make them. Cut n' Paste this HTML for the Coney Island Film Festival banner: <p><a href="http://www.indiefilmpage.com/coneyfest.html"><img height="60" width="468" src="http://www.indiefilmpage.com/media/CIFF04/CIFF-banner.jpg" border="0"></a></p> Or use this HTML for a standard text link: <p><a href="http://www.indiefilmpage.com/coneyfest.html">Coney Island Short Film Festival<br>Presented by indiefilmpage.com & Coney Island USA</a></p> |